Tuesday 31 January 2012

The day before tomorrow

Entries open tomorrow (actually at midnight tonight - Jan 31st) and I'm taking side bets on who will be the first this year!
Interest in this event grows year on year so the organising committee decided prior to the 2011 event to open the entries earlier in the year rather than the usual July date. The decision for this was that there was no real reason to wait until July other than that date was after the Parish. "Why not open entries much earlier?", we thought, and let the entries trickle in over the following months. It worked well last year so we have done the same again for 2012.
Traai di liooar (Manx for 'time enough') will inevitably kick in though as it tends to do and there'll be a last minute rush in 7½ months' time just before entries close!
I've got to thank Adrian Cowin who hosts and looks after the E2E Walk web site on our behalf. He has done a lot of work on updating the contents and layout for this year and has sorted out this blog to enable me to add updates.

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