Wednesday, 29 August 2012

10 days until entries close

Its funny how time seems to simply evaporate when you are focussing on an event or race which starts off in the distant future and remains there for some time only for it to sneak up on you when you aren't looking. Christamas is like that; it is currently almost 5 months away and therefore not high on anyone's agenda. Suddenly, it will be 4 days away and panic buying of presents will ensue. Posting of presents will also be left until the last second of the last minute. That's human nature, I suppose.
I will shortly be sending out an email to past entrants of the End to End Walk reminding them entries will go up by £5 on September 1st and entries will actually close eight days later at midnight on September 9th.
There have, however, been quite a few entries sisnce the last blog and here they are:
Sarah Callin
Dave Walker (who is one of the Manx contingent competing in France the weekend before the E2E!)
Ali Ward
Helen Gibson
Mark Notman
Kevin Whittaker
Christopher Brew
Ray Hughes
Mark Saunders
Jane Corkill
Ian Ashcroft
Stephanie Christian
Denise Hannay
Tom Mansell
Paul Phillips
Frank Feeney
Jamie Pappova
Ludmilla Smith
Tom Bateman
James Ian Robertson
Mike Readshaw
Rebecca Stride
Brian Goldsmith
Ann-Marie Watson
Sandra Halpin
Peter Griffiths
Steve Bassil
Peter Lawther
Neil Helmer
Elizabeth Helmer
Stella Corlett
Scott Concannon
Lisa Mallon
Michelle Clark
Paul King
Michael Shipsides

These entrants bring the total up to 271 so it looks like there will be a mad rush at the end as per usual.....

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